This is a reminder that your annual bowling club membership subscription is now due.


There are two pieces of good news.  The membership rate for playing members has been reduced from £50 to just £30, the same as social members, and we are introducing the ‘100 Club’ lottery, where for just £25 you can win up to £150 each month for 5 months.  This is only for club members and the chances of winning are very high.


Introducing the 100 Club


What a great opportunity this year for all members to have a chance of winning a first prize of £100 and a second prize of £50 in our 5 monthly draws, and you are allowed to buy more than one ticket in your name, if you want to involve your family, friends, or grandchildren.

 Your renewal - £30 membership plus £25 for the 100 Club (optional).

Just £55 to enjoy bowling and a chance to win some cash and to support your club!

  • You can pay by bank transfer to  30-13-32  00624155
  • You can pay at our pre-season get together on Friday 14th March 7pm
  • You can send a cheque to Glossop Bowling Club, North Road Glossop, SK13 7AS

Five monthly draws, May – September with total prize money of £750.


Terms & Conditions

The prize draw will be known as the ‘100 Club’.  Each ticket covers all 5 draws will cost only £25 and you will be allocated a unique lucky number. You have to be a member to buy a ticket, but you can by as many as you want. The draw will take place at the monthly committee meeting using a random number generator.  The draw will be recorded on film and posted on the club facebook page. All proceeds to the upkeep of our Club and Green.




Finally it looks like better weather for a few days and an opportunity to get some of those jobs done that are essential in maintaining our bowling club. Just to remind you here are some of the tasks that needs doing. There is a list in the cabin and also the materials you will need.


White lines with masonry paint

5 benches with red cedar Ronseal

3 Pergolas with grey Ronseal

Bench table with green Ronseal

3 Benches with varnish

Surround boards and over shelter

Signage needs cleaning

Creosote flower bed edges

Weeding around the green

Toilet painting and cleaning

Wood on rear cabin roof with green Ronseal

Gutters on pergola need cleaning out


All these jobs need to be done before the season starts to keep the green looking at its best.


Every little helps – Thank you


Contact Jenny Burgess for further details at


Glossop Bowling Club Pre-season get together.

Friday 14 March 7pm

Come and pay your membership fees, sign up for your teams, and the new 100 Club

Bar open - light refreshments

An Evening With Peter Reed

Join us for a fantastic evening with Peter Reid at Glossop Cricket Club on Friday 7th March 2025. Arrival time is at 6:30pm Enjoy a delicious pie supper and hear stories from football legend Peter Reid. There will also be a memorabilia auction with some unique items up for grabs. Tickets are £50. Don't miss out on this great event!

Click here for more details

Bowling Green Hire & Catering

Glossop Bowling Club is the perfect place to hold your bowling day out or fund raising event. Our club has become one of the most sought after venues due to the quality of the professionally maintained green and the catering and hospitality packages we can offer.  We can arrange your special day to suit you. For all enquiries contact or  click here for further details.

In accordance with the new GDPR regulations, we need to advise that data held will only be used for communication of information relating to Derbyshire County Crown Green Bowling Association and British Crown Green Bowling Association business and promotion.